Like many of Neuralog software users the world over, our team at Neuralog has been working (sometimes remotely) during the global pandemic, and is proud to announce the latest release of NeuraSection, our geological interpretation system for visualizing and analyzing well log data.
With the v2020 Release of NeuraSection there are a number of New Features and Enhancements.
Visit our Support Page to view the Latest Release Notes or to Request a NeuraSection Update.

Well / Log Data Import and Export
The 2020 version of NeuraSection now supports the GeoGraphix WellBase V4 format for import as well as export. This input format adds to the existing supported formats of PETRA, IHS, ASCII, Excel, and others. Data export formats include PETRA, ASCII, MJ Systems LogSleuth, GCS Wells and Tops.
Enhanced Hot Keys
To help increase work efficiency, we’ve added the list of all Hot Keys in NeuraSection. Go to the Help tab > Hot Keys to access this feature.
License Reminder Message
To ensure uninterrupted access, users of NeuraSection will now see a reminder message beginning 60 days prior to the NeuraSection software expiration date.
UWI Formatting Options
NeuraSection now supports US 14-digit API well number (US Well Number) formatting. This option is fully customizable for any UWI (Unique Well Identifier) and instructions can be found in the NeuraSection Users Guide.
Additionally, API/UWI formatting by ‘Display Dashes’ is available in all windows and views. Learn more about well numbers from this easy-to-understand blog post from Enverus (formerly Drilling Info).
Improved User Experience
NeuraSection v2020 adds improved integration with other Neuralog software applications. For a seamless experience at startup, NeuraSection will open with the last saved visual product theme. Functionality has also been improved with updated tooltips in the user interface.
NeuraSection is one of the integrated modules of Neuralog Pro, an all-in-one system (currently available for users in Canada and the U.S.), providing access to all Neuralog software modules in one subscription license. With Neuralog Pro you can organize your data efficiently and accurately to streamline your entire E&P workflow. Ideal for independents and enterprises that need quick, easy access to their geological data.
Contact us for more information on NeuraSection and how its powerful workflow wizards will help you display and evaluate all available geological data to create presentation logs, maps, cross-sections, and prospect montages.
Stay Safe!
Team Neuralog